Just arrived in my inbox and thought the insight was so amazing that I had to post it (having made just one or two small edits...).
Email from: Get to the bleedin’ obvious: Marketing-to-Marketing (MarketingDuffers) [mailto:ThinkingFromTheYear2000@marketingduffers.spamsender.com]
Subject line: More thoughts about blogs that sound good on the surface but are actually completely useless in practice
Is this the end of the beginning of the end of blogs that aren't as good as they should be? We've swallowed some tips from a company even more famous than us for stating the bleedin’ obvious. What do they think makes for a good B2B blog?
Don’t write a crap blog. “I try to write a blog that isn’t totally blatently wrong, boring, repetitive or boring.”
A blog isn’t a press release. “I also learnt last week that a camel isn’t the same as a bathtub. Groovy.”
Don't think about the audience. “Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn't it? But why think about the audience when you're really only writing for people like you.”
The bleed!n obv!ous: it’s good to write something good.
Next week: What to do when hoardes of people unsubscribe, or die, from your pointless email blasts
What is it about marketing (and online B2B marketing in particular) that leads people to dress inane drivel up as thought leadership?